Results for 'I︠A︡. G. Dorfman'

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  1.  22
    History of the Development of the Main Ideas of the Frankfurt School.Ia G. Fogeler - 1985 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 23 (4):9-67.
    The Twenty-fifth Congress of the CPSU on the basis of Marxist-Leninist theory, analyzing the experience and results of previous work and defining the tasks of the next period of struggle for the building of communism, stressed that "the problem of ideological struggle increasingly comes to the fore, and the truth about socialism is the most powerful tool in this struggle.".
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    Adamiani, goni, ġirebuleba.Akaki Bregaże, G. Pʻacʻacʻia & D. Kʻerkʻaże (eds.) - 1991 - Tʻbilisi: "Mecʻniereba".
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  3. Vsemirnai︠a︡ istorii︠a︡ fiziki s nachala XIX do serediny XX vv.I︠A︡. G. Dorfman - 1979 - Moskva: Nauka.
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  4. Vsemirnai︠a︡ istorii︠a︡ fiziki s drevneĭshikh vremen do kont︠s︡a XVIII veka.I︠A︡. G. Dorfman - 1974 - Moskva,: "Nauka,".
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    Putting the Madhyamaka Trick in Context: A Contextualist Reading of Huntington’s Interpretation of Madhyamaka.Michael Dorfman - 2014 - Buddhist Studies Review 31 (1):91-124.
    In a series of works published over a period of twenty five years, C.W. Huntington, Jr. has developed a provocative and radical reading of Madhyamaka inspired by ‘the insights of post- Wittgensteinian pragmatism and deconstruction’. This article examines the body of Huntington’s work through the filter of his seminal 2007 publication, ‘The Nature of the M?dhyamika Trick’, a polemic aimed at a quartet of other recent commentators on Madhyamaka who attempt ‘to read N?g?rjuna through the lens of modern symbolic logic’, (...)
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    Lavoisier. Ya. G. Dorfman.Henry M. Leicester - 1958 - Isis 49 (1):97-97.
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    Boekbesprekingen.H. Suasso, J. De Fraine, P. Ahsmann, I. de la Potterie, I. de Ia Potterie, R. Leys, P. Smulders, P. Fransen, L. Steins Bisschop, H. Jans, P. Ploumen, S. Trooster, C. Sträter, J. Mulders, A. V. Kol, P. Huizing, J. Van Driessche, J. Rupert, P. Grootens, G. Achten, R. Loyens, J. Van Torre, J. Druyts, J. Nota, M. De Tollenaere, F. De Raedemaeker, L. Vander Kerken, W. Couturier, H. Geurtsen, E. Huffer, A. Snoeck, A. Poncelet & J. Kijm - 1955 - Bijdragen 16 (4):420-464.
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    Antikuri pʻilisopʻia.G. T.°evzaçze - 1995 - Tʻbilisi: "Mecʻniereba".
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    Ix: Boykoλiaσtai.H. G. Theokrit - 2013 - In Gedichte: Griechisch - Deutsch. De Gruyter. pp. 76-79.
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    Vii: Θaλyσia.H. G. Theokrit - 2013 - In Gedichte: Griechisch - Deutsch. De Gruyter. pp. 58-67.
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    Vi: Boykoλiaσtai.H. G. Theokrit - 2013 - In Gedichte: Griechisch - Deutsch. De Gruyter. pp. 54-57.
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    Viii: Boykoλiaσtai.H. G. Theokrit - 2013 - In Gedichte: Griechisch - Deutsch. De Gruyter. pp. 68-75.
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  13. Natural Law and Human Law (Ia IIae, qq. 90-97).Clifford G. Kossel - 2002 - In Stephen J. Pope (ed.), The Ethics of Aquinas. Georgetown University Press. pp. 169--193.
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    Aristotle's explanation of akpaσia.D. G. Ritchie - 1897 - Mind 6 (24):536-541.
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    HEIΘOYΣ ΔHMIOYΓIA. Observations sur la fonction du style dans le Protreptique de Clément d'Alexandrie. [REVIEW]G. J. De Vries - 1970 - Mnemosyne 23 (4):430-431.
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    Plutarch’s Essay on Superstition as a Socio-Religious Perspective on Street Begging.G. O. Adekannbi - 2014 - Journal of Philosophy and Culture 5 (1):1-24.
    Plutarch, in his work,_ Peri __Deisidaimon_ia_ __,_ presents a striking portrayal of superstition in the First Century. The Philosopher who also served for decades as a priest of Apollo portrays the pernicious effects of some supposed religious practices as worse than the outcome of atheism. His position constitutes a forceful explanation to ostensibly controversial socio-religious behaviours. This article discusses some of the priest’s concerns as well as his rebuff of religious attitudes that are borne out of what he describes as (...)
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  17. ¿Cómo integrar la ética aplicada a la inteligencia artificial en el currículo? Análisis y recomendaciones desde el feminismo de la ciencia y de datos.G. Arriagada Bruneau & Javiera Arias - 2024 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 81:137-160.
    Abstract:This article examines the incorporation of applied ethics into artificial intelligence (AI) within Chilean university curricula, emphasizing the urgent need to implement an integrated framework of action. Through a documentary analysis, it becomes evident that most higher education programs do not explicitly include AI ethics courses in their curricula, highlighting the need for institutionalizing this integration systematically. In response, we propose an approach grounded in feminist science and data feminism, advocating for the inclusion of diverse perspectives and experiences in the (...)
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    BOOMERanG and the Sound of the Big Bang.John G. Cramer - unknown
    Two years ago, astrophysicists studying Type Ia supernovas discovered that our universe is a much stranger place than we had imagined, with invisible vacuum energy accelerating its expansion. (See my column about this in the May-1999 Analog.) However, new astrophysical observations from the BOOMERanG experiment (Balloon Observations Of Millimetric Extragalactic Radiation and Geomagnetics), a balloon-borne cryogenic microwave telescope measurement that flew at an altitude of about 24 miles over the Antarctic, indicate that our universe is also rather ordinary, in that (...)
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    "Goldilocks" Gleise 581g: A Fairytale?John G. Cramer - unknown
    In October-2010 the headlines of the science press were dominated by the announcement of the discovery of a “Goldilocks Planetâ€, Gleise 581g, which has a mass not too different from that of the Earth and has an orbit squarely in the middle of the habitable zone of its parent star. It was supposed to be not too hot, not too cold, but just right for the evolution of life. Steven Vogt of UC Santa Cruz, the lead author of the paper, (...)
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    Duch logick é ho empirizmu: Miesto Carla G. hempela vo filozofii vedy 20. storo č ia.P. R. C. Klady - 1999 - Philosophy of Science 66:333-350.
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    Mikʻael Pʻselosis pʻilosopʻiuri pozicʻia, saazrovno da pedagogiuri metʻodi: droisa da maradisobis urtʻiertʻmimartʻebis problemisadmi miżġvnili trakʻtatebis mixedvitʻ.Magda Mčedliże - 2006 - Tʻbilisi: Programa "Logosi".
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    Inteligencia Artificial para el bien común (AI4SG): IA y los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible.Aníbal Monasterio Astobiza - 2021 - Arbor 197 (802):a629.
    Frente a una narrativa distópica presente en los medios de comunicación y cultura popular que caracteriza el avance y desarrollo de la inteligencia artificial como una amenaza o riesgo existencial (e.g. desempleo tecnológico, sistemas de armas autónomas letales, robots asesinos, propaganda política computacional etc.) quiero valorar de manera crítica y constructiva el rol de la inteligencia artificial para el bien común (AI4SG). La tecnología digital también se puede aplicar para la solución de grandes problemas de la humanidad, como los 17 (...)
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    A History of Hegelianism in Golden Age Denmark, Tome IA History of Hegelianism in Golden Age Denmark, Tome I, The Heiberg Period: 1824-1836: The Heiberg Period: 1824-1836, 2nd Revised and Augmented Edition.Jon Stewart - 2024 - Boston: BRILL.
    This is the first volume in a three-volume work that explores the influence of G.W.F. Hegel’s philosophical thinking in Golden Age Denmark. The work demonstrates that the tradition of Danish Hegelianism played a profound role in many spheres of the Golden Age culture.
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    The Philosophical Teachings of G. S. Skovoroda (On His 250th Anniversary).V. I. Shinkaruk - 1973 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 12 (2):81-92.
    Grigorii Savvich Skovoroda was a distinguished philosopher of the eighteenth century Ukraine who made a significant contribution to the development of philosophical thought and enlightenment ideas. A contemporary of N. I. Novikov, Ia. P. Kozel'skii, and A. I. Radishchev, he reflected in his work the protest of the laboring peasant masses against serfdom. This protest was the starting point for his philosophical interpretation of the world, man, problems of social justice, and the paths along which they could be resolved. Representing (...)
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    Konstruktion versus Unmittelbarkeit. Zum Verhältnis von Philosophie und Leben bei J.G. Fichte.Wolfgang H. Schrader - 1997 - Fichte-Studien 11:367-377.
    In seinem Sendschreiben an Fichte aus dem Jahr 1799 bekennt F.H. Jacobi emphatisch, daß er Fichte für »den wahren Meßias der speculativen Vernunft, den echten Sohn einer Verheißung einer durchaus reinen in und durch sich selbst bestehenden Philosophie« halte: »Eine reine, das ist, durchaus immanente Philosophie, eine Philosophie aus Einem Stück, ein wahrhaftes Vernunft-System, ist auf die Fichtesche Weise allein möglich«.
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    Scope note 32: A just share: Justice and fairness in resource allocation.Pat Milmoe McCarrick & Tina Darragh - 1997 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 7 (1):81-102.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:A Just Share: Justice and Fairness in Resource Allocation*Pat Milmoe Mccarrick (bio) and Martina Darragh (bio)Each of us has some basic sense of what the words “fair” or “just” or “fairness” or “justice” mean. Each of us probably also has an idea of what is “fair” in health care. The attempt by the state of Oregon in the mid-1980s to quantify this notion made a previously private exercise a (...)
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    Scope Note 31: Managed Health Care: New Ethical Issues for All.Pat Milmoe McCarrick & Martina Darragh - 1996 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 6 (2):189-206.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Managed Health Care: New Ethical Issues for All*Martina Darragh (bio) and Pat Milmoe McCarrick (bio)Changes in the way that health care is perceived, delivered, and financed have occurred rapidly in a relatively short time span. The 50-year period since World War II encompasses enormous growth in medical technology, soaring health care costs, and significant fragmentation of the two-party patient- physician relationship. This relationship first grew to include the third-party (...)
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  28. The New Hysteria: Borderline Personality Disorder and Epistemic Injustice.Natalie Dorfman & Joel Michael Reynolds - 2023 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 16 (2):162-181.
    The diagnostic category of borderline personality disorder (BPD) has come under increasing criticism in recent years. In this paper, we analyze the role and impact of epistemic injustice, specifically testimonial injustice, in relation to the diagnosis of BPD. We first offer a critical sociological and historical account, detailing and expanding a range of arguments that BPD is problematic nosologically. We then turn to explore the epistemic injustices that can result from a BPD diagnosis, showing how they can lead to experiences (...)
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    What Do Psychiatrists Think About Caring for Patients Who Have Extremely Treatment-Refractory Illness?Natalie J. Dorfman, Jennifer Blumenthal-Barby, Peter A. Ubel, Bryanna Moore, Ryan Nelson & Brent M. Kious - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 15 (1):51-58.
    Questions about when to limit unhelpful treatments are often raised in general medicine but are less commonly considered in psychiatry. Here we describe a survey of U.S. psychiatrists intended to characterize their attitudes about the management of suicidal ideation in patients with severely treatment-refractory illness. Respondents (n = 212) received one of two cases describing a patient with suicidal ideation due to either borderline personality disorder or major depressive disorder. Both patients were described as receiving all guideline-based and plausible emerging (...)
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  30. The Case Against Privatization.Avihay Dorfman & Alon Harel - 2013 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 41 (1):67-102.
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    The Patient as Commodity: Managed Care and the Question of Ethics.Laurie Zoloth-Dorfman & Susan Rubin - 1995 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 6 (4):339-357.
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    History of the Lifeworld.Eran Dorfman - 2009 - Philosophy Today 53 (3):294-303.
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    Test bias: What did Yale, Harvard, Rolls-Royce, and a black have in common in 1917?Donald D. Dorfman - 1980 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 3 (3):339-340.
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    Foundations of the Everyday: Shock, Deferral, Repetition.Eran Dorfman - 2014 - New York: Rowman & Littlefield International.
    A highly original and interdisciplinary study of the philosophy of the everyday.
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    Normality and Pathology: Towards a Therapeutic Phenomenology.Eran Dorfman - 2005 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 36 (1):23-37.
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    Public Ownership.Avihay Dorfman - 2024 - Law and Philosophy 43 (3):303-331.
    The two questions I seek to address in these pages are what is public property and why does it matter. Public property, like property more generally, is a powerful legal arrangement of allocating control and use rights with respect to resources. Unlike private property, public property does not establish normative powers with which private individuals can shape their practical affairs in and around social spheres such as housing, work, commerce, and worship. Rather, its distinctive value lies in extending autonomous agency (...)
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    The accursed share: Bataille as historical thinker.Ben Dorfman - 2002 - Critical Horizons 3 (1):37-71.
    This essay addresses Georges Bataille as a historical thinker by concentrating on The Accursed Share (three volumes, 1949-54), the text Bataille took as his masterwork. An amalgam of cultural criticism, anthropological and sociological research, The Accursed Share reveals Bataille's temporalised vision of his four central ideas, excess, expenditure, sovereignty and transgression. Grappling with this vision is key for understanding Bataille's oeuvre as a whole because it brings the entirety of his assessments of Western and world culture under its heading.The aim (...)
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    Face to Face, Not Eye to Eye: Further Conversations on Jewish Medical Ethics.Laurie Zoloth-Dorfman - 1995 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 6 (3):222-231.
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    Warren's physical correlate theory: Correlation does not imply causation.Donald D. Dorfman - 1981 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 4 (2):192-193.
    Warren's major contention is that judgments of subjective magnitude are not possible, and therefore subjects base such judgments upon physical correlates of the dimension in question. It would appear that Warren's theory will almost surely fail as a comprehensive model, even though it does provide a heuristic account of judgments of loudness and brightness. In order for the theory to succeed, Warren must specify a physical correlate for judgments ofeverysubjective attribute that has yielded orderly data with Stevens's scaling procedures.
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    Private ownership.Avihay Dorfman - 2010 - Legal Theory 16 (1):1-35.
    The most powerful response to growing skepticism about the intelligibility of the idea of private ownership has been cast in terms of an owner's rights to the exclusive use of an object. In these pages, I argue that this response suffers from three basic deficiencies—rather than merely explanatory gaps—that render it unable to overcome the specter of skepticism. These deficiencies reflect a shared want of attention to the normative relationship that ownership engenders between owners and nonowners. In place of the (...)
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    The Human Right to Private Property.Avihay Dorfman & Hanoch Dagan - 2017 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 18 (2):391-416.
    For private property to be legitimately recognized as a universal human right, its meaning should pass the test of self-imposability by an end. In this Essay, we argue, negatively, that the prevailing understanding of private property cannot plausibly meet this demanding standard; and develop, affirmatively, a liberal conception which has a much better prospect of meeting property’s justificatory challenge. Private property, on our account, is an empowering device, which is crucial both to people’s personal autonomy and to their relational equality. (...)
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  42. Freedom, perception and radical reflection.Eran Dorfman - 2007 - In Thomas Baldwin (ed.), Reading Merleau-Ponty: On Phenomenology of Perception. New York: Routledge.
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    Hope and Optimism in Pediatric Deep Brain Stimulation: Key Stakeholder Perspectives.Natalie Dorfman, Lilly Snellman, Ynez Kerley, Kristin Kostick-Quenet, Gabriel Lazaro-Munoz, Eric A. Storch & Jennifer Blumenthal-Barby - 2023 - Neuroethics 16 (3):1-15.
    IntroductionDeep brain stimulation (DBS) is utilized to treat pediatric refractory dystonia and its use in pediatric patients is expected to grow. One important question concerns the impact of hope and unrealistic optimism on decision-making, especially in “last resort” intervention scenarios such as DBS for refractory conditions.ObjectiveThis study examined stakeholder experiences and perspectives on hope and unrealistic optimism in the context of decision-making about DBS for childhood dystonia and provides insights for clinicians seeking to implement effective communication strategies.Materials and MethodsSemi-structured interviews (...)
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  44. A Foucauldian Analysis of Power and Prostitution: Comparing Sex Tourism and Sex Work Migration.Rosalee Sylvia Dorfman - 2011 - Polis (Misc) 5:1.
  45.  21
    Assumption of Risk, After All.Avihay Dorfman - 2014 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 15 (2):293-328.
    Assumption of risk - the notion that one cannot complain about a harmful state to which one has willingly exposed oneself - figures prominently in our extra-legal lived experience. In spite of its deep roots in our common-sense morality, the tort doctrine of assumption of risk has long been discredited by many leading tort scholars, restatement reporters, courts, and legislatures. In recent years, however, growing concerns about junk food consumption, and about obesity more generally, have given rise to considerations that (...)
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  46.  18
    Aesthetics and innovation.Leonid Dorfman, Colin Martindale & Vladimir Petrov (eds.) - 2007 - Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Press.
    In this book we attempted to gather together a set of chapters that describe new ways of approaching questions about aesthetics and innovation. Rather than going over old ground, the chapters describe attempts to break out in new directions. The book begins with a description of von Ehrenfels development of a Gestalt theory of aesthetics so evocative of the Vienna of 1900 that readers will wish that they had been there to experience the intellectual excitement and ends with a survey (...)
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    Aging effects on recognition memory when encoding and strategy are controlled.David Dorfman, Murray Glanzer & Joseph Kaufman - 1986 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 24 (3):172-174.
  48. Chapter Eight The Plural Self, Plural Achievement Motives, and Creative Thinking.Leonid Dorfman - 2007 - In Leonid Dorfman, Colin Martindale & Vladimir Petrov (eds.), Aesthetics and innovation. Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Press. pp. 125.
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    Can tort law be moral?Avihay Dorfman - 2010 - Ratio Juris 23 (2):205-228.
    According to the established orthodoxy, the law of private wrongs—especially common law torts—fails to map onto our moral universe. Four objections in particular have caught the imagination of skeptics about the moral foundations of tort law: They purport to cast doubt over the moral appeal of the duty of care element; they target the seemingly inegalitarian objective standard of care; they object to the morally arbitrary elements of factual causation and harm; and they complain about the unnecessary extension of liability (...)
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    «Denied in toto». Poesía documental y colectivización de archivos en Chile.Daniela Dorfman - 2022 - Aisthesis 72:359-382.
    Este artículo estudia el uso de documentos de archivo en el arte chileno contemporáneo en un contexto social de demandas de acceso a los documentos de la dictadura en ese país. Partiendo del libro de poesía documental Chile Project: [Re-classified] (2013) que Carlos Soto Román realiza con los archivos desclasificados de la CIA, y poniéndolo en relación con la obra de Voluspa Jarpa y de Francisco Tapia Salinas, el artículo examina demandas artísticas y sociales de colectivización y desclasificación de archivos. (...)
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